Notice: Effective November 1, 2024, and will be retired.  To request services or assistance from the Accounts Payable/Travel team, users must submit a ticket through Finance and Administration Support.
Please begin preparing for the transition now, as inquiries sent to either email after 10/31 may not receive a response. Refer to the Contact Tree for the quickest route to address your inquiries.

PDF Version of this Quick Guide

This guide outlines the general considerations in processing vendor invoices originating from POs (aka, DAPOs and Purchase Orders). The Accounts Payable unit processes over one hundred thousand vendor invoices annually. Campus departments applying the below simple considerations will ensure these invoices are processed routinely, accurately, completely, and timely.


  1. Vendor/Supplier invoices should be emailed to (note: this does not apply to Transcepta vendors).  A unique PDF is required per invoice, however, multiple pdfs can be included in the same email.
  2. Invoices should have a valid UCR PO number
  3. The PO should match the vendor invoice lines, amounts, freight, taxes, and any applicable credits. This is also critical for releasing PO encumbrance correctly
  4. The PO number presented on the vendor invoice should be Received/OK to Pay in the eBuy system
  5. With the exception of POs having structured invoice payments (e.g., leases, consultant agreements, and other agreements) each vendor invoice should have its own unique UCR PO number

Important Tips and Other Points

  1. Vendor invoices attached to eBuy payment requests DO NOT route to Accounts Payable. All vendor invoices and payment requests should be sent to the Accounting Office
  2. Vendor invoice payments will be delayed when:
    • eBuy payment requests not complete and signed
    • POs not matching vendor invoice
    • POs not Received/OK to Pay
    • POs not having enough encumbered funds
  3. Certain vendor invoices over $5000 require authorize payment signature
  4. Vendor invoices sent directly to departments tend to get lost and prevent timely vendor payment. Vendors/Suppliers should be instructed to email invoice to (note: this does not apply to Transcepta vendors).  A unique PDF is required per invoice, however, multiple pdfs can be included in the same email.
  5. Reusing PO numbers should be avoided
  6. Invoice copies should be requested from vendor rather than Accounts Payable. Accounts Payable does not have the resources to scan and send all invoice copy requests. Vendors tend to be very responsive to invoice copy requests since it is in their best interest
  7. POs having excessive change orders, FAU changes, and multiple payments tend to have encumbrance release issues. Typically, a vendor invoice must match PO exactly to release encumbrance correctly
  8. Always confer with your unit’s Chief Financial and Administrative Officer for other questions regarding FAU use, PAN reviews, encumbrance balance resolution, and eBuy use