Notice: Effective November 1, 2024, and will be retired.  To request services or assistance from the Accounts Payable/Travel team, users must submit a ticket through Finance and Administration Support.
Please begin preparing for the transition now, as inquiries sent to either email after 10/31 may not receive a response. Refer to the Contact Tree for the quickest route to address your inquiries.



Eligibility for holiday pay is determined by the following criteria:

  • the bargaining unit contract that governs the employee; otherwise, use  Absence from Work policy -PPSM 2.210 (staff) or APM 720 (academic).
  • the employee's FLSA status (exempt vs. non-exempt) and
  • time on pay status (full-time or part-time). 

The University observes the following holidays:

  1. *New Year’s Day (CX, EX, HX, NX, RX, SX, TX)
  2. *Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (NX)
  3. Presidents Day
  4. Cesar Chavez Day
  5. *Memorial Day (CX, EX, HX, NX, RX, SX, TX)
  6. Juneteenth
  7. *Independence Day (CX, EX, HX, NX, RX, SX, TX)
  8. *Labor Day (CX, EX, HX, NX, RX, SX, TX)
  9. Veterans Day
  10. *Thanksgiving Day (CX, EX, HX, NX, RX, SX, TX)
  11. Friday following Thanksgiving Day
  12. *Christmas Eve (or announced equivalent) NX
  13. *Christmas Day (99, CX, EX, HX, NX, RX, SX, TX)
  14. New Year’s Eve (or announced equivalent)

* Premium Holiday for bargaining units listed.

  • Non-represented (99) non-exempt staff employees do not have premium holidays except for Christmas Day (excludes Police Sergeants & Lieutenants).
  • K5, IX, LX and PA do not have premium holidays.
  • PA unit only: When an Officer actually works on a holiday listed above or the holiday falls on the Officer’s regularly scheduled day off, the holiday time earned shall be credited to the Officer’s holiday time bank at straight time rate.  Holiday time bank can be used upon supervisor's approval within the fiscal year it was earned or paid out upon separation from employment at the Officer’s current straight time rate of pay.

FLSA non-exempt employees shall be paid at the rate of time and one-half (1 ½) regular pay for hours worked on premium holidays designated above and straight-time rate for hours actually worked on all other holidays.

A holiday that falls on a Saturday is observed on the preceding Friday, and a holiday that falls on a Sunday is observed on the following Monday, unless an alternate day to observe the holiday is designated by the President.

An employee may take time off to observe a special or religious holiday if the supervisor determines that the time off does not cause undue hardship to the department. Employees may use accrued vacation, PTO (if applicable), and/or compensatory time off, or they may take unpaid leave.
















EXEMPT FULL-TIME (all active appointments are equal to 1 FTE)
Full-time exempt employees are eligible for 8 hours holiday pay if they are on pay status during the week in which the holiday occurs.








NON-EXEMPT FULL-TIME (all active appointments are equal to 1 FTE)
Full-time non-exempt employees are eligible for 8 hours holiday pay if they are on pay status on their last scheduled workday before the holiday and on their first scheduled workday following the holiday.  Exception: Non-exempt full-time employees covered by CX, RX and TX contracts must be on pay status at least fifty percent (50%) time (excluding holiday hours) in the prior two (2) bi-weekly pay periods immediately preceding the biweekly pay period in which the holiday occurs).








Full-time employees are also eligible for holiday pay if the holiday:








  • Falls on their regular day off (alternatively, they may receive another day off in lieu of holiday pay)
  • Immediately precedes their appointment date and the holiday is the first workday of the month
  • Immediately follows their last day of work and the holiday is the last workday of the month
  • Occurs during an approved leave of absence, a temporary layoff, or a furlough that does not exceed twenty (20) calendar days (including holidays)








Employees on alternate full-time work schedules are entitled to the same number of holidays and the same amount of holiday pay granted to employees on a regular full-time work schedule.








Part-Time Employees:
New or rehired part-time regular employees are not eligible for holiday pay for a holiday that occurs before the first day of their appointment or after they are separated from employment with the University.








Disciplinary Suspensions and Unauthorized Absences:
Non-exempt employees who have been suspended for disciplinary reasons for a period that includes or immediately precedes or follows a holiday and non-exempt employees who have an unauthorized absence immediately preceding or following a holiday will not receive holiday pay for that holiday.
















EXEMPT PART-TIME (all active appointments are less than 1 FTE):
Exempt part-time employees must be on pay status in the pay period which the holiday occurs.  Holiday hours shall be calculated per the percentage of the employee's scheduled appointment for the day which the holiday falls (e.g., if an employee is scheduled to work for six (6) hours on the Monday upon which Memorial Day falls, the employee would not have to work but would receive six (6) hours of holiday pay).








NON-EXEMPT PART-TIME (all active appointments are less than 1 FTE):
Non-exempt part-time employees must be on pay status in the pay period in which the holiday occurs at 50 percent time or more (excluding holiday hours).  Holiday hours shall be calculated in proportion to the percentage of time on pay status for the prior two (2) bi-weekly pay periods immediately preceding the biweekly pay period in which the holiday occurs.








New or Re-hired part-time regular employees are not eligible for holiday pay for a holiday that occurs before the first day of their appointment or after they are separated from employment with the University.








Add hours on pay status (excluding holiday hours) for the two (2) bi-weekly pay periods immediately preceding the biweekly pay period in which the holiday occurs. Use the chart below to figure out number of holiday hours to record on the current bi-weekly pay period. 








0 79.99 0
80 89.99 4
90 109.99 5
110 129.99 6
130 149.99 7
150 999.99 8








Example: Determine how many hours Mary Littlelamb, non-exempt, part-time employee earned for the July 4th holiday (July 4th holiday falls in the B2 June 23 – July 6 bi-weekly pay period).








Add the hours Mary worked for two (2) bi-weekly pay periods immediately preceding the biweekly pay period in which the holiday occurs; B1 (June 9 – June 22) & B2 (May 26 – June 8). Subtract any holiday hours Mary received for the May 31st holiday.  If Mary worked at least 80 hours (50 percent time) for the two (2) biweekly pay periods, she is entitled to July 4th holiday.








Use the chart to determine how many holiday hours Mary will earn:
B1 June 9 – June 22 = 56 hours;
B2 May 26 – June 8 = 48 hours
May 31st holiday hours =  5 hours (as determined by reviewing her TARS)
Total:  56+48-5=99 hours.








Mary worked at least 80 hours for the 2 bi-weekly pay periods and qualifies to receive holiday hours. According to the chart above, 99 hours qualifies Mary for 5 hours of holiday for the July 4th holiday.  These hours will be auto calculated in TARS.