Extramural Funds Overview

The Extramural Funds (EMF) team manages the financial aspects of sponsored awards (AKA Post-Award, Contracts and Grants, C&G) from federal, state, local, and private sponsors. EMF supports UCR faculty and staff by ensuring compliance with sponsor and university policies, providing financial reporting, cash management, accounts receivable, gift processing, effort reporting, compliance reviews of high-risk expense transfers, cost share monitoring, and guidance to departments in managing extramural funds.

The three key areas of financial Post-Award Administration are:

  • Fund Management: Reviews expenses and prepares accurate financial reports and invoices for timely submission to sponsors.

  • Cash Management: Ensures timely collection of sponsor payments, manages outstanding receivables, distributes funds, processes refunds, and reports cash status using methods such as electronic transfers and check deposits.

  • Research Finance Compliance: Oversees audit support, effort reporting, fiscal close, and project setup and closeout.

Important! The Extramural Funds (EMF) team is responsible for the financial "accounting" aspects of post-award administration. For all other non-financial inquiries related to post-award services, Research and Economic Development (RED), through its Sponsored Programs Administration (SPA) unit, provides support to faculty, unit staff, and central administrative offices. This includes non-accounting services such as proposal development, compliance, reporting, and project management. For more information, visit the RED website and contact SPA directly.

Uniform Guidance

Recipients of Federal funding are required to have solid management practices for administering the award, and have accounting practices that align with cost principles. Cost Principles, as defined in the Uniform Guidance Subpart E, specify that a cost can be charged to a Federal award only if it is allowable, reasonable, and allocable. In addition, items of cost must be consistently treated by the award recipient.

Click here to determine if your expenditure meets the compliance test for use of federal funds. 

Factors in Determining Allowability

UG §200.403 Factors affecting allowability of costs

Allowability of a cost can be determined by answering the following questions:

  • Is the cost reasonable and necessary for the program?
  • Is the expense in compliance with laws, regulations and grant terms?
  • To what extent is the expense allocable to the grant?
  • Is the cost adequately documented?
  • Is the cost consistent with grantee rules that apply to both Federally funded and non-Federally funded activities?
When Are Costs Reasonable?

UG §200.404 Reasonable costs

"A cost is reasonable if, in its nature and amount, it does not exceed that which would be incurred by a prudent person under the circumstances prevailing at the time the decision was made to incur the cost." In order to determine if the cost is reasonable, the following questions must be asked:

  • Is the cost ordinary and necessary for the program?
  • Do sound business practices support the expenditure?
  • Are the costs comparable to market prices for comparable goods or services in the geographic area?
  • Have all concerned acted with prudence , considering their responsibilities to the organization, community, and others?
How do I Determine Cost Allocability?

UG §200.405 Allocable costs

Allocable means that good or service can be assigned to an award or cost objective in accordance with the relative benefit achieved. Costs must be charged in proportion to the benefits received, and costs incurred for joint or common objectives are included in the institutional Facilities and Administration (F&A) and cannot be charged to the project.

Policies & Procedures

For policies, procedures, and forms related to Extramural Funds, visit the consolidated Business & Financial Services Forms & Resources and Policies & Procedures webpages, which includes information on: 

  • Federal Guidelines
  • Major Sponsors
  • Manuals & Bulletins
  • Facilities & Administrative Rate Agreements
  • UCOP & UCR Policies
  • EMF Procedures (e.g., Cost Transfers, etc.)

Award Setup

Once an award is approved in Kuali, it is automatically transferred to Oracle Financials. Each Kuali Award issued by the Sponsored Programs Administration (SPA) is associated with a PPM Award; both share similar numbering; for example, Kuali Award 012345‐0001 would be associated with PPM Award K012345. Each PPM Award may have one to many related PPM Projects. The ten‐character PPM Project code utilizes the PPM Award number as its basis; for example, PPM Award K012345 would be associated with project K012345001, K012345002…K012345099. The PPM project is one element of the UCR Chart of Account (COA) GL chart string and the primary element in the PPM POETAF chart string.

Distinct Projects will be created automatically by the Accounting Office (EMF) for the following, and there is no need to submit requests for these items: 

  • Main Prime PI (new awards will end in '001'; awards converted from UCRFS may be numbered differently)
  • Participant Support (next sequential project)
  • Cost Share (ends in '099'. Note: department must provide fund‐activity‐function‐program code of cost sharing source via Kuali Build form)
  • Program Income (formerly known as STIP; end in '098')
  • Fabrications (ends in 'FXX' and will be defined by General Accounting based on approved fabrication requests)
  • Sponsored Capital Programs (starts with 'RV'; note numbering is based on capital project numbering)
  • Components subject to different Facilities and Administrative Rates than main award (next sequential project)
  • Annual funding with no automatic carryforward to future years (next sequential project)

EMF will assign the department's default Chart of Accounts (COA) to the Award. If the PI and/or Department wishes to utilize a different COA for a particular project, then the Chart of Account - Sponsored Programs (for Cost Sharing and/or Default Override)  form must be completed and routed to EMF.  (A link to that form will be embedded in the Award notification email.) 

Project Budget

Departments receive an email notification with the award details, indicating that a PPM Project it is ready for budgeting. To create and manage a PPM Project budget, department analysts (research administrators/grants analysts) are required to complete the Oracle: Project Portfolio Management for Contracts and Grants training. For more information, visit Finance Training

To begin charging expenses to a project, the budget must first be created and baselined. Coordination with EMF is required to reallocate funding between direct and indirect costs, budget years, or projects. For EMF to make adjustments, the project budget must be reduced (not placed in BC75). You can view your award allocation details by referring to the Funding section under 'Awards &Projects.' 

Please note that after project budgets are established, a known issue may cause inconsistencies on the Award Overview page, where budget updates may not display accurately, though actuals remain correct. Reliable budget information can be found in the Review section. To fix this, resubmit your project budget to update the Award Overview page.

New Project Requests 

New Projects may be created upon request from Prime PI’s department for Kuali contract and grant sponsored awards under the following circumstances:

  • Budget allocation to Co‐Investigator(s) listed on the award documents
  • New project under a different Project Organization (i.e., activity) under the Prime PI’s home department on converted projects.
  • Major elements of a sponsor award that must be separately tracked and reported

To initiate a new Project request:

  1. Complete this form
    • New Project Name should follow the following format: Agency Award# + Project PI + Expiration Date + (plus “Participant Cost” or “Cost Share” or “Diversity as applicable) + Agency Name + Project Title (up until the field length limit is reached and reserving last 5 characters for uniqueness) + Last three of project number (to ensure uniqueness) Page 2 of 2
    • Allocations to BC35 and BC36 are normally included in the primary project (typically project ending with 001) and will automatically sync with Oracle Budget and Oracle GL with the default activity for Undergrad and Grad Student Aid and function 78—no new project and function override is required in these scenarios.
  2. The Prime PI’s C&G analyst must prepare a reduction on the project working budget by the amount to be transferred to the new project and baseline it. Confirm the reduction is complete and provide the version number. Note: Converted project costs will not be able to be transferred to a new project; the budget adjustment should be based on the budget balance as of 6/30/2023
  3. Specify the Function Code if other than the award function default
    • Allocations to BC35 and BC36 are normally included in the primary project (typically project ending with 001) and will automatically sync with Oracle Budget and Oracle GL with the default activity for Undergrad and Grad Student Aid and function 78—no new project and function override is required in these scenarios
  4. Endorsement of the request by the Department Financial & Administrative Officer (FAO), and if required by the Organizational unit, endorsement of the Org CFAO
  5. Email to EMF@ucr.edu using subject “Request for New Project‐(Kuali Award #)”
  6. The EMF Manager will review requests to coordinate creating new projects as appropriate.

Cost sharing and matching represent the portion of the project costs which are not borne by the federal sponsoring agency.

Cost Sharing Defined

Cost sharing represents a contribution of non-federal university funds that are applied to any allowable costs of the project.

The university-funded salaries of faculty and other employees directly engaged in the project, together with related employee benefits and indirect costs, constitute the most appropriate contribution to federal research projects.

Matching Defined

Matching represents the portion of project costs borne by another sponsoring agency (non-federal). Federal funding is usually contingent upon receiving outside agency support for the project.

Costs financed by departmental budgets or any other non-federal fund source may be claimed as a contribution, if they are directly identifiable with the applicable federal research project and are contributed during the performance period of the grant or contract.

Costs meeting all of the above criteria are allowable as university cost sharing contribution or matching under federal research grants and contracts provided they:

  1. qualify as allowable costs under the provisions of OMB CIRCULAR A-21
  2. do not duplicate the type of costs included in the university's indirect cost rate; and
  3. have not been charged to any other federal contract or grant.

Departmental administration expenses (e.g. Secretaries, clerks, supplies) generally would not qualify for cost sharing since these expenses normally benefit jointly all activities and objectives in the department and are, therefore, included as costs in the determination of the indirect cost rate.

For further information, please review the following guide: Cost Sharing.pdf 

Expense monitoring is a key aspect of effective financial management at the university, especially for sponsored research. Each sponsored project has a specific purpose outlined in the award's terms and conditions, with the necessary expense types detailed in the approved budget. Sponsors expect a clear connection between the purchased items and the project’s goals.

To ensure expenses are allowable, allocable, reasonable, necessary, and consistently applied, regular monitoring through monthly reconciliation is essential for identifying errors and maintaining compliance.

Chart of Accounts "Project" & POETAF 

To charge expenses to your PPM Project, it is essential to understand the following:

  • Data in PPM is displayed through a specialized version of the Chart of Accounts (COA) called POETAF, which stands for:
    Project | Organization | Expenditure Type | Task | Award | Funding Source
  • POETAF expenditure categories and types are aligned with General Ledger (GL) budget categories and expense accounts.
  • Most boundary systems (e.g., UCPath, Banner, Web Recharge, Concur Travel and Expense) utilize GL COA chart string, where only the COA Project Number segment is entered by the transactor, and the data is then mapped to the PPM POETAF structure.
  • Native Oracle Financials modules, such as Procurement, require the entire POETAF chart string be entered for transactions.
  • Click here to learn about the definitions for all Chart of Account (COA) and POETAF segments. 
  • Click here to view a visual representation of how Project vs. Non-Project transactions and data flow through UCR's financial systems and reporting tools.

Oracle Financials - Procurement

When submitting a requisition, users must ensure the accuracy of the chart string. For purchases using Contract & Grant or Capital Project funding (PPM Projects), the Project Number should be entered in the first field, followed by the correct POETAF segments.

A common issue occurs when the Project Number is mistakenly entered in the Charge Account section, leaving out the required POETAF segments. This results in manual corrections for each purchase order (PO) to include the appropriate Project Portfolio Management (PPM) segments. To resolve this, any requisitions with a Project Number (excluding 0000000000 DEFAULT) entered in the Charge Account section are rejected. Additionally, the default COA feature cannot be used for Project-related purchases. Please verify accurate chart string entries to avoid procurement delays.

If your requisition is rejected, click Action, select Edit, clear the Charge Account field, enter the correct Project Number, and submit the revised requisition.

For purchasing or Oracle procurement inquiries, contact Procurement Services by submitting a ticket to 'Procurement & Accounts Payable'.


Click here for guidance on specific direct/indirect costs to consider during budget preparation and post-award financial administration.

Direct Costs

The Uniform Guidance defines Direct Costs in §200.413 as follows:

Direct costs are those costs that can be identified specifically with a particular final cost objective, such as a Federal award, or other internally or externally funded activity, or that can be directly assigned to such activities relatively easily with a high degree of accuracy. Costs incurred for the same purpose in like circumstances must be treated consistently as either direct or indirect (F&A) costs.

The most commonly used direct costs budget categories include: salaries and wages, fringe benefits, equipment, travel, materials and supplies, participant support costs, publication costs, consultant services, computer services, subawards. Other categories may exist, like for example student stipends and payments to human subjects. In order to avoid possible double-charging of Federal awards, the university is required to be consistent in its treatment of each item of cost incurred for the same purpose in like circumstances. However, an expense that would normally be charged as indirect or Facilities and Administrative (F&A) cost can sometimes be charged as a direct cost, depending on circumstances.

In order to directly charge a cost normally treated as an F&A/indirect, the project must have a special need for an item or service that is above and beyond the level of service normally provided, and the cost must meet all of the following conditions:

  • Be integral to the project
  • Can be specifically identified with the work conducted under the project
  • Explicitly included in the sponsor approved budget or other written approval
  • The cost is not also recovered as indirect cost

Indirect Costs

Indirect costs are sometimes called Facilities and Administrative (F&A) costs, overhead, or research operating costs. The UC Contract and Grant Manual, Chapter 8-100, provides university with General Policy governing indirect costs, defined in the Manual as follows:

Facilities and administrative (F&A) costs are the indirect costs of conducting research, instruction, or other sponsored activities that cannot be easily attributed to a specific sponsored project. When seeking the reimbursement of indirect costs on a sponsored project, the University is recovering for costs already spent to support these activities.

Examples of indirect costs include grant administrative services, lab operations and maintenance, depreciation and debt services taken on for new construction to provide researchers with modern facilities. University negotiates F&A rates with the Department of Health and Human Services and these rates are reflected in the federally approved F&A Rate Agreement. The university seeks to apply negotiated F&A rates to all extramurally funded projects.

Cost Transfers

The Financial Analysis Office has developed these guidelines to assist campus Internal Auditors and departmental staff in strengthening internal controls over cost transfers to Federal grants and contracts. These guidelines aim to provide questions to help determine whether a transfer is allowable. In previous cost transfer audits, the Department of Health and Human Services identified instances where the University failed to comply with Federal regulations when transferring costs to Federal projects. The auditors identified unacceptable transfers made:

  1. to eliminate cost overruns
  2. to use up unexpended funds
  3. charging projects based on unacceptable allocation methods,
  4. containing unallowable costs. 

These issues arose because Federal and University guidelines were not consistently followed, and department-level documentation was often insufficient to ensure the transfers were appropriate. Frequent, tardy, and unexplained (or inadequately explained) transfers, particularly where they involve projects with significant cost overruns or unexpended fund balances, raise serious question about the propriety of the transfers themselves as well as the overall reliability of the grantee's accounting system and internal controls.

Click here Internal Control Cost Transfer Guidelines

Payroll Certification System

Salaries charged to federally funded projects must be substantiated to comply with federal costing policy (Uniform Guidance Section 200.430). The University of California, Riverside (UCR) uses the Payroll Certifications system to verify that salaries and wages charged to an award are reasonable based on the employee's work activities. Since salary expenses make up the largest direct cost on sponsored projects, this system minimizes compliance and audit risks associated with certifying payroll expenditures are reasonable in relation to the work performed on the sponsored project.​​

For system access and role information, see Payroll Certifications under Financial Applications.

Award (Grant) Closeout

The closeout process is a critical step in ensuring that all administrative, financial, and performance requirements for both the University and the Federal sponsoring agency are fulfilled at the conclusion of an award or grant agreement. This process ensures compliance with the award’s terms and conditions, protects future funding opportunities, and maintains financial integrity. Closeout preparation should begin before the Date of Completion (aka Period of Performance) - the date when all work under the award is completed or the expiration date specified in the award document, including any amendments or supplements. This marks the end of Federal sponsorship/grant. OMB Circular No. A-110 

Sponsor Requirements

The financial closeout process ensures compliance with both sponsor and University policies. Timely submission of financial reports and invoices is essential for reimbursement of allowable project costs. Closeout policies and procedures vary by sponsoring agency, and it is critical to properly interpret and apply all relevant rules and regulations. Order of Precedence for Closeout compliance:

  1. Individual Award Terms
  2. Government or Federal Regulations
  3. University Policies

In most cases, the most restrictive rule will take precedence.

Campus Obligations

The campus has experienced delays in receiving payments and processing new or renewal awards due to the late submission of required reports. The two primary issues contributing to these delays are overdrafts and unexpended balances. To ensure timely fiscal compliance with both sponsor and University guidelines, the University, in collaboration with the PI and relevant departments, must take the following steps:

  • Extramural Funds (EMF) Team Responsibilities: The EMF team is responsible for ensuring timely and accurate financial reporting to the sponsoring agency.

  • Principal Investigator (PI) Responsibilities: The PI is responsible for adhering to award-specific terms and conditions, including submitting all required reports (financial, programmatic, invention, inventory, and equipment). To facilitate a smooth closeout process and prevent delays, the PI (and C&G Analyst) must:

    1. Clear OverdraftsPreform a cost transfer or other necessary documentation to shift charges to an appropriate non-Federal fund in the event of an overdraft.
    2. Seek Financial SupportIf needed, request assistance from the Department Chair or Dean’s Office to obtain appropriate funds.
    3. Return Unexpended FundsIf a balance remains at the end of the award, prepare a memo to the Accounting Office (EMF) requesting that unexpended funds be returned to the sponsoring agency.
    4. Submission DeadlineSubmit all financial, performance, and other required reports to the Federal sponsoring agency within 120 calendar days after the award’s completion, unless an extension is granted. Ensure all expenses are accurately recorded on the ledger within this 120-day period
Please communicate with EMF if an award is about to end or has ended and there are expenditures that have not yet posted to the project. This information is essential for the EMF team as it can affect final invoicing. If the EMF team does not have this information, and final invoicing has been processed, there is no guarantee the additional expenditures will be reimbursed.

Closeout Procedure in Oracle Financials (PPM)

The closeout process for sponsored projects begins when the Extramural Funds (EMF) Team changes the project status to 'Pending Close'. At this stage, departments should ensure:

  1. All purchase orders are closed.
  2. All costs are posted.
  3. All transactions are fully processed.

Once these actions are completed, the EMF team finalizes the process by updating the project status to Closed. By following these guidelines, Principal Investigators and departments can ensure timely and accurate completion of the award or grant closeout process, maintaining fiscal compliance and protecting future funding opportunities. 

Project Status definitions below:

  • Pending Close: No new transactions can be initiated, but current transactions may still be processed.
  • Closed: No further transactions are allowed on the project.
Classification Question  Answer
Budget Is there a way to budget cost share so they stop showing up on our emails? You can put the dollar into a budget category that you know will be cost shared. EMF is working on the official cost share procedures. ​​​​
Budget What should I do if a budget category BC40 doesn't reflect the change after rebudgeting? This has been an issue brought up by multiple departments. Please ensure you are inserting the amounts under the correct column "Raw Cost USD". Click Save to ensure the amounts update, then click Save and Close. It is also recommended to click Save prior to submitting the budget. If this does not work, please exit the budget and try again. Many departments have had to close out and go back at a later date. This issue is currently being looked at.
Budget What should I do if I receive an error after I clicked submit budget? Depending on the error, this could be if rebudgeting was done between direct and indirect costs or between budget years. Prior to rebudgeting, please review the Funding Allocation train stop in PPM to review what has been allocated. Please remember that any rebudgeting done between direct and indirect costs, budget years, and project codes must be coordinated with EMF.
Budget I need to rebudget between direct and indirect costs, budget years, and project codes. What is the process. Please send an email to emf@ucr.edu with this request. In order for EMF to allocate funding between DC/IDC, BYs, and Project Codes, the department must first unbudget the funds. As a reminder, please do not put the funding into BC75.
Budget What if my new budget allocation doesn't appear immediately? The system process runs periodically to update balances, so sometimes updates happen later.
Budget What if the Award Overview page shows an unbudgeted amount, but I have budgeted the project(s). Please resubmit your budget for each project. Please also see the known issues page for more details.
Budget The 099 project number. Is it possible to have the cost share report emails sent to the owning department? The cost share project activity can be changed; however, if there have been any budgets or costs posted to that project, the project activity be cannot change. Cost sharing can have multiple funding sources but only one activity and function.
Budget Can we have our activity code changed? A project activity can be changed; however, if there have been any budgets or costs posted to that project, the project activity cannot be changed. If the incorrect activity code was used for set-up, a new project code can be requested. Please use the New Project Code form and follow the directions on the instructions. On new awards, there is an option within the Campus Award Notice (CAN) to complete a Kuali build form to request a change in the activity code during award set up.
Budget Why is it essential to complete a summary budget as part of the proposal submission in Kuali, even if the detailed internal budget is provided in the attachments? Summary budget is mandatory in the system even if a detailed budget is attached. Additionally, remember to attach the internal budget under the "Attachments, Internal" section.' Proposal will be returned if not completed.
Budget How should departments handle budgeting for new awards? Departments should base their budget entries on the daily notice that is sent out on awards requiring budgeting (Project Budgets Allocations Required), and not proactively budget anything that is in draft status.
Budget Is there any training required for budgeting? Ensure that you have completed the LMS budget training prior to trying to input a budget.
Budget Do we need to do anything with BC75? Yes, the notices will continue to be distributed until BC75 is fully allocated.
Budget Why are there prior BY that are expired  showing? What does this mean and what should we do with these? For awards converted from UCRFS, BY1C covers the period of the fund start date through the conversion date. On converted awards BY2 is used to align to the natural budget year. BY3 will be the first full year on Oracle.
Budget What is the reason Project Cost Sharing budgets are only showing with $1 allocated? Until a finalized cost sharing report as of 6/30/2023 is received, the true Cost Sharing balance in the Projects Module cannot be updated. Additional information will be provided in the coming weeks on the project of completed cost sharing recorded in the UCRFS environment. In the meantime, the $1 budget will allow users to code/track new cost sharing transactions using the designated "099" project codes.
Budget I received a "Project Budget Allocations Required" notification, but I cannot locate these awards the Awards module If you received the Project Budget Allocation Required and UCR Notification Report for Budget Change for Award notices, you were provisioned the Grants Department Analyst role; this role drive the Project related notifications only. Please discuss with your department financial manager on their expectations regarding you receiving these notifications. If project budgeting is part of your job responsibilities, your SAA will also need to assign the Project Budget Management role.
General  What are the criteria for cost share? The current design has only one cost-sharing project (ending in 099) with the following parameters:
1. One project organization is allowed on a cost sharing project;
2. A function code override can be implemented, but only one function code can be associated with a project;
3. A cost sharing project can have several UCR internal funding sources. If there are more than one internal funding sources, please provide the remaining cost sharing commitment broken down by fund source;
4. The activity and function must be the same for all funding sources. Please refer to the May 2024 user group meeting.
General  How can we figure out our COA strings? Utilize the details that are available in PPM. PPM shows the activity code, type of award and function. From this, department's can go to the Golden Tree to get the fund number for the award type.
General  On the Details train stop in PPM, the burden schedule shows the incorrect rate being used. How can we get this corrected? On converted award, if the F&A rate was not the standard rate at the time of conversion, MTDC 55.5%, a burden schedule override would have been processed at the project level. Please note, on new awards, if the option for the F&A is not available on the award side, a burden schedule override will be done on the project side. Please refer to the May 2024 user group meeting.
General  How can we see which if our award(s) are Fixed Price. In PPM, on the Details trains top under the General tab, there will be a section called "Keywords"- this will show if your award was set up as a fixed price award. You are also able to search in PPM for Fixed Price awards. Under manage awards click on show filters. Click on the settings. Choose Keywords. Enter Fixed Price then click magnifying glass. A new window will pop up and click on search. Highlight the Fixed Price Award line and click OK. All the FP award will populate in your Search Results. If you have the PI and Organization added you can download and filter for your department.
General  Can we add the F&A rate in ITD reports for better tracking of IDC checks? This request is noted and will be gathered for prioritization. For now, use existing reports and filters for IDC checks.
General  Why is there a discrepancy in the allocation for a participant support project? This request is noted and will be gathered for prioritization. For now, use existing reports and filters for IDC checks.
General  How should we go about processing transfers in the old world since the new tool is not capturing anything prior to July 2023? It could be due to balances that were in financial aid and in the department's participant support fund at the time of conversion. Ensure proper fund allocation and check project codes.
General  If charges posted to project 001 'DO NOT USE', should we process a cost transfer to the correct project code? Or, can we request funds from another project be moved to the Do Not Use project? Transfers should be processed manually for entries before July 2023. Please follow the instructions provided on the paper non-payroll cost transfer form and the paper salary cost transfer form.
General  How can I get a 001 project updated to 'DO NOT USE'? A cost transfer must be process to move the expenditure(s) to the correct project code.
General  What are the main reports used for billing in Oracle? Please email EMF at emf@ucr.edu.with the request.
General  Should we use the new rate 57.50 for calculating IDC for progress report? The main reports used for billing are the inception-to-date report (ITD), PPM expenditure detail report, and commitment details report.
General  Should we use the new rate 57.50 for calculating IDC for progress report? This depends on the agency and the terms and conditions if the new rate of 57.5% should be used. The new rate took effect as of 7/1, but we were not notified until 8/1. Please refer to the email communication titled [Research] New F&A Rates and Important News sent on 8/1/2023 for the guidelines.
General  Where to look for reports on Oracle? Reports can be accessed under the 'Reports and Analytics' section in Oracle. Also a list of financial reports and their purpose are available here.
General  What to do if the system prevents cost transfers due to similar requests? The system prevents a cost from being transferred more than once. This issue will be reviewed to ensure no duplicate transfers are requested.
General  With contracts and grants, even though we do Pre Award we've been doing a lot of helping with post-award. What is the process to get the benefits moved off if a contract and Grant does not allow for benefits? This would need to be done via a manual journal. We currently do not have an official process to move only benefits off a contract and grant. To note, the process will involve identifying the appropriate funding source that can cover the benefits and ensuring proper documentation and approvals are in place to make the necessary adjustments.
General  An incorrect activity code was used when the award was set-up, how can this be corrected? A project activity can be changed; however, if there have been any budgets or costs posted to that project, the project activity cannot be changed. If there are expenditures that posted to the project code. The department can request a new project code using the New Project Code form and can then submit the necessary cost transfers once the new project is set up.
General  Who is our fiscal contact for UCOP grants in Smartsimple for EMF? Linda Casteel is the fiscal contact for UCOP grants in Smartsimple for EMF.
General  I received a supplement to a Federal grant and it needs to go towards a capital project. What would be the process for this? Initiate the process in CPMS. EMF will not automatically set-up the capital project until they receive notification from Plant Accounting. Once EMF receives notification from plant accounting, EMF will reach out to the department to reduce their budget in the project the funding is sitting in. Once this is complete, EMF can then associate the capital project to the award and set-up the budget.
General  We received a new allocation that posted to the incorrect budget year and project code. How can we get this moved to the correct project and BY? Please note, when supplemental funding is allocated it will automatically populate in project 001 and into the last budget year. Please contact EMF at emf@ucr.edu and request the funding to be allocated to the appropriate project code and budget year.
General  Are ILTI projects in PPM? ILTI projects are not in PPM.
General  I have a UC funded award that has not been set-up in Oracle. Please note only extramural awards will be set-up in PPM. Intramurally funded awards will be processed through the Budget Office via ITF.
General  What is the process to resolve Position Funding Change errors? If Position Funding Change errors persist, contact support for assistance.
General  Will we get notifications for awards expiring? The expiration notices are scheduled to be going out 90 days to the contracting Grant analyst, 60 days before expiration to the PI and the Grant analyst, and then upon expiration to the PI and grants analyst.
General  There are several C&G funds that are missing department analysts; how do we get them associated with the proper analyst? Please discuss with your department SAA. The EACS role that receives these notices is Department Grants Analyst.
Payroll Where can I find the guide and video for the non-payroll cost transfer? The guide and video for the non-payroll cost transfer are available at this link and also on the business and financial services website.
Sub-Award How do we find out what the sub-award number is for our award? All external subs will start with "S00" without dashes or spaces. Multi-campus awards start with "MCA." ​​Departments can also search for their award number in Kuali and under the Subawards section, see the list of subawards. This will include the subricipient name and subaward ID.
Sub-Award How do we look up a sub-award in PPM? In Oracle Financials PPM go to Procure to Pay. Select Purchase Orders. Go to the search glass to the right of the page. Search for Orders. External subawards will begin with S00 and internal subawards will begin with MCA. Please note the balance showing on converted awards is the balance as if 6/30/2023. On new awards this is the current obligated amount. To view the invoices paid in Oracle, click on View Details.
Sub-Award How are sub-award invoices handled in the new system? Subaward invoices are treated as purchase orders (POs) in the new system.