Equipment Management
Department Overview
The purpose of Equipment Management is to establish and maintain procedures that bring the University in compliance with Federal, State, and agency regulations that are requirements of the Universities awarded contracts and grants. Equipment Management reviews all transactions relating to the acquisition, modification, transfer and disposition of inventorial equipment assets in order to assist departments with the accuracy and maintenance of inventorial equipment records while adhering to University policy.
What is Inventorial Equipment?
Generally speaking inventorial equipment is any movable tangible property with an acquisition cost exceeding the inventorial threshold of $5,000 with an expected life of one or more years. It must be freestanding, complete in itself, and not lose its identity when affixed or installed into another property. If equipment is a product of many component parts it must maintain its original form and not be re-purposed into different forms or split into separate entities. If any uncertainty exists with classifying inventorial equipment please contact Equipment Management for guidance.
Primary Policies & Regulations
Department Location
Equipment Management Moved to the Intellicenter
The Equipment Management department moved in April 2015 to the Intellicenter located at 14350 Meridian Parkway, Riverside, CA 92518*. The Intellicenter building (aka UCPath) is situated approximately six miles from the main campus. Security procedures require all visitors to be registered in order to access the building, so please arrange visits in advance.
Please click on the map for driving directions to the Intellicenter.
*Please note: the Meridian address should only be used for physical deliveries (e.g. FedEx, UPS). US Mail and intercampus mail should continue to be directed to: University of California at Riverside, Equipment Management, Riverside, CA 92521.
Please click on the map for driving directions to the Intellicenter.
*Please note: the Meridian address should only be used for physical deliveries (e.g. FedEx, UPS). US Mail and intercampus mail should continue to be directed to: University of California at Riverside, Equipment Management, Riverside, CA 92521.

Please note that the Excess Property (Surplus) Operation is being managed by the Storehouse Department. Please find additional information about the Excess Property Operation on the Excess Property Website.
Department Contacts
Equipment Management via email or phone (951)827-4209